
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Nyongkolan,celebration and united of two family in wedding

Photograph by : Wahid Kurniadi
             In Sasak tribe traditional wedding ceremony,there is a phase that called 'nyongkolan', after the couple were pronounce as husband and wife, at the same day the couple went in a procession from the groom's  house to the bride's house,people who accompanying the couple were the groom's family,the neghbours and friends and also a group of local music such as gendang beleq and kecimol,these phase is also some kind an anouncement to the people along the way that these two people (the couple) were alreday becoming husband and wife.
              The couple were treated like king and queen for a day,they were walking along with gendang beleq or kecimol accompaniment until they reach to the bride's house using sasak traditional clothes,but today this tradition is already a little bit changing and had some modification,people no longer playing traditional sasak song using traditional music instrument,but the playing modern music like dangdut music or even pop music while the youth in the parade dancing along the way.
Photograph by : Wahid Kurniadi
           This procession usually held during the weekend,so if we take a ride along the villages in Lombok in the weekend we would find the procession in few places,we would find crowd of people who watching it and it could caused traficc jam for few kilometres.
     For some people this procession is sacred,they believe if the procession didn't held after the wedding,something bad is gonna happen to the couple in their marriage life,so they have to do it even on the poured rain.


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